Are you planning to do business in The Netherlands?
Are you relocating here?
Do you intend to set up a business and/or buy property here?
Do you plan to get married?
To write a last will and testament?
Then you will probably need a notaris.
How may I help you?
Whether you wish to start a business in The Netherlands, create your last will and testament, or discuss any other legal topic. I will be pleased to guide you through our legal system. I am fluent in English, having resided in northern California for four years. For an initial consultation of half an hour, a small fee will be charged. Just call my secretary to make an appointment. Please be sure to bring valid identification along: Passport / drivers license / identity-card.
What exactly is a notaris?
The profession of notaris exists in countries that have adopted the Latin Legal System. Thus, it is not established in the Anglo-American world. A notaris is also known as a civil law notary and serves as an independent legal professional. He/She is a civil servant who has been appointed a seat by a Royal Decree to grant public faith to certain everyday transactions.
Civil law notaries are a part of a long and respected tradition throughout Europe reaching back to the early Middle Ages. In other countries civil law notaries are called ''notario'' (Spain) ''notaire'' (France) "notaio" (Italy) and "Notar" (Germany). All civil law notaries follow a strict regimen and subscribe to the highest ethical standard to protect their public acts and the sanctity of their office.
He/She draws up deeds to establish or record a legal situation. Agreements signed in the form of a notarial deed represent stronger proof of the obligation between parties, and can be executed without litigation if one of the parties does not live up to its stipulations.
The legal fields are mainly: Real Estate -, Business - and Family Law. Deeds may include: Transfer of Real Estate, incorporation of a company, last will and testament, prenuptial agreement, probate. In real estate transactions, the notaris is the officer of the transaction and also serves as escrow officer. The notaris holds the monopoly in these fields and in many cases notarial deeds are required by law. The original deeds remain at the premises of the notaris for at least 20 years; thus ensuring that records are not lost or tampered with in any way. The involved parties are given certified copies. A notaris also concludes estates of the deceased because the Dutch legal system does not have a Probate Court.
Mr Peggy E.M. Dukkers, Notaris (Civil Law Notary)